Monday, January 18, 2021

Chris Wysocki's list of crazy projects

 I wanted a way to record and show some of my crazy ideas and projects so here we are.

I wish I had photos of all of the ones that have been completed and already given away. 
This will have to do.

Some are a very proud statement ; not to any talent I claim to possess as much as the persistence to push through challenges that stand between me and something I would like to do for someone I care about.

The fun in doing projects is the reaction when you give your gift. 
If the recipients even had an idea of the hours that were put into the project, they would be astounded and I would be embarrassed. 
The fact is, if there really was talent involved, these little gems would take a whole lot less time to make!!!

I enter into projects with a very simple mantra... 

" Someone stupider than me can do it".

Yep. That is it.

So, here is to all the crazy, fun, frustrating, and time consuming projects that I find myself attempting.