
  This was one for me. 

I needed a workbench for my projects at the new house. I have an area that I can mess up and walk away and I love that. I can start a project and leave it set up and come back to it without a lengthy set-up.

I built this workbench with the wonderful donation of a neighbor. Pete was getting rid of his old kitchen cabinets and was kind enough to allow me to have them.

THEY WERE PERFECT for the workbench.

The top was were I added my personal touch.

I purchased a bunch of 2x4's and glued and screwed them all together for a butcher block kinda thing.

It is wonderfully solid and gives me a great work space.

This was the first time working with 2 part epoxy mixes. This should not have worked. The pour was too deep for this product but the project God was looking out for me.

I had to put more of "me" in this... There is bullet brass ( and maybe a few live rounds) in the center recessed row. This was done in two pours and two top pours.

I did not sand the entire surface for a number of reasons the greatest of which was the mess I would have made, in the house.

The top pour is nice and smooth and clear, I know where to look to find the imperfections but I won't tell.

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